Tour Our Display Village

425 West McMillan
Marshfield, WI

Office: (715) 384-2161

We have many homes of various sizes and styles on display to help you design your own home. Please stop by during office hours 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. You can also view the models after hours or on weekends by obtaining a key from any of our builders or by calling our receptionist. Welcome to Wisconsin Homes!

Wisconsin Homes Display Village
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Tornado Testimonial

Wisconsin Homes takes pride in leading the industry in strength, structure, and safety.

"Folks that are reading this and thinking about building: Other’s structure and strength doesn’t compare to a Wisconsin Home. There’s a bit more to a house than you realize, safety. We had something happen few get to experience. I got a call that 2 tornados coming across Pana Lake went together as one and destroyed everything in its path and I mean everything. As it came to the Wisconsin Home I’d sold, it hit it direct, it ripped the carpenter build garage off and took the pickup out of the garage and put it in the front of the house. It broke windows and ripped siding and many shingles. The young couple I’d sold the home to, grabbed their kids and went into the bathroom. Everything in every direction was destroyed except the main house, it never gave any in roof or framing. Windows broke and limbs from trees stuck in exterior siding. This is hard for you to image but there wasn’t anything left in the path but it. The way a Wisconsin Home is framed and banded, rafter ties, etc., is what kept that house together. It saved their life."
— Richard, from Litchfield, Illinois, who sold Wisconsin Homes for many years

1 Brookdale (Best Seller) 2 Bdrm

Model Number: 2350
Size: 28x60 (1680 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 16117

2 Loft (5-SEC) 3 Bdrm

Model Number: 4790
Size: 42x48 (2969 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 17313

3 Cavalier 3 Bdrm

Model Number: 5085
Size: 42x52 (1653 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 16000

4 Spectrum 3 Bdrm

Model Number: 3660
Size: 42x60 (2052 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 16965

5 Northwood 2 Bdrm

Model Number: 1925
Size: 28x58 (1624 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 16801

6 Limited 3 Bdrm

Model Number: 5161
Size: 28x58 (1624 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 17156

Lakewood (Previous Display) 3 Bdrm

Model Number: 2060
Size: 56x48 (2098 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 15453

Brookdale (Previous Display) 3 Bdrm

Model Number: 2330
Size: 28x64 (1792 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 15910

Loft (6-SEC) (Previous Display) 2 Bdrm

Model Number: 4765
Size: 58x48 (3451 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 14855

Limited (Previous Display) 3 Bdrm

Model Number: 5161
Size: 30x56/58 (1704 Sq Ft)
Serial Number: 16289